The platform GuestRoomMaribor where the residency was held, was founded in the institutional frame of Pekarna Magdalenske Mreže Maribor in 2011. The layout of the exhibition "Two good listeners make a piece with a silence" is the result of a one month study on a multi-level dialogue; intimate, interpersonal, dialogue with the space, the context of a cultural center, and the context of a small, unique European city (Maribor). This project is a result of a one month residency along with other lebanese artists. It was curated by Lucija Smodiś in cooperation with Miha Vipotnik.
It is an attempt to project an impression of the city of Beirut. An impression assembled and projected on previous experiences. Memories of these experiences and their residues create a pre-conceived vision of reality; an entirely constructed reality.

Installation: 2 photographs printed on semi glossy paper 248x165cm.
Directional speaker with sound 3:40min
📷 Andrej Firm©